Catching Up


Where have the last two months gone? Time is flying by, I swear September just started and now it is ending. Somehow August was more crazy for me than July this year and September’s been busy too. Between crazy at work and a couple of visits to the hospital for my parents and some other stuff. There hasn’t been much time for lot’s of extra baking or mucking around with photos and writing up blog entries. I am a slacker what can I say?

My lettuce went crazy again this year. I still can’t grow zucchini, two so far. The yellow pear tomatoes have produced this year, in spite of it being a cooler summer and getting planted later than normal. The garden is on its way out for the year. I am down to one bed. The new bed was not as much work as I thought it might and plan to use of the leftover wood and do one more small bed next year, that will be plenty.

Lettuce, chervil, & rhubarb

My catnip was lovely and Barny was enjoying it, than the nasty pack rat took it out and stashed it, along with the oregano, and what little there was of my basil.

Barny & the catnip

There has been some baking I made bread a while back, cookies, and some cupcakes. Oh and a chocolate peanut butter cake, that I was craving. Almost everything is already devoured. I put up three batches of dill pickles this year, normally I do two batches which last us about a year. There was a batch of straight up rhubarb jam in there somewhere. Never did find any good peaches or nectarines this to make jam out of them.

Monster cake for 3

About iffyarchive

A green smoothie loving geek who helps others find their healthy. I work with people who feel confused about what healthy is and what is not healthy. I help them find their healthy. I love to blog, cook, and tweet.
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2 Responses to Catching Up

  1. Alisa says:

    I do love that cake. That's the one from SK, right? It took me two days but was so worth it.

  2. Iffy says:

    Yes it is, SK got it out of Sky High Cakes. I love that cake book.

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